
Letro crawls Instagram user’s content and allows company to customize and use the contents for their marketing channels. The system also allows to measure marketing performance.

Home/ Letro

The Letro project was started in the second quarter of 2016.

Project Member


In Japan:

+ Business & Marketing Team

In Vietnam: (Development Team)

+ Project Leader:Khương Văn Công

+ Project Members:Nguyễn Quốc Chương, Hoàng Văn Cương

Product Content


Letro is a UGC Centric Marketing Platform to support the marketing activities based on the experience of their customers.

Letro collects and edits UGC (user generated content), then lets brands use the UGC creatives for their marketing channels and measures the effectiveness of that marketing activity.

Product Activities


Letro crawls UGC by searching through #hashtag on Instagram.

Brands selects appropriate UGC having abilities to effectively create ads or display on the EC (EC).

Letro sends requests to users to use UGC for marketing.

Letro lets businesses use permitted UGC for SNS advertising / Owned / EC purposes.

Letro uses the tracking engine to measure the effectiveness of the UGC in businesses’ marketing strategy, thereby improving the quality of advertising.